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Adult Classes
in Clay
Adult Session 2 • Level II Specialty: Altered Forms • WED (Mar. 5 - April 23) • $295 • HILL
with Teagan King
Ever wish you could enhance your thrown pieces?
Expand your pottery skills by playfully exploring altered forms. This class invites you to creatively push the boundaries of wheel-thrown shapes, combining hand-building techniques with wheel-thrown work to craft one-of-a-kind pieces. You'll explore altering forms through darting, fluting, and faceting, and experiment with reshaping your creations by squishing, cutting, and reassembling– all of which will enhance creative problem solving in the studio and encourage you to make unique masterpieces.
(Please check the class prerequisites before enrolling)
Ages: 16 and above
Class meets weekly on WEDNESDAYS
Note: This class will meet at the Hill location at 1010 Aurora Avenue. You will only have open lab access at the same studio as your class.
Does NOT include Firing Fees. For details on our Firing Fees, please click here:
Will be available to register on Wednesday, Feb. 5 at 8:00am.
Will run
Adult Session 2 • Level II Hand-Building • THUR (Mar. 6 - April 24) • $295 • HILL
with Margaret Josey-Parker
For students of all levels who want to focus on taking their hand-building techniques to the next level.
Learn about the various hand-building tools, create functional and sculptural pieces, and work on a variety of decoration practices.
Ages: 16+
Class meets weekly on THURSDAYS for 8 weeks.
Note: This class will meet at the Hill location at 1010 Aurora Avenue. You will only have open lab access at the same studio as your class.
Does NOT include Firing Fees. For details on our Firing Fees, please click here:
Will be available to register on Wednesday, Feb. 5 at 8:00am.
Will run
Adult Session 2 • Level I Wheel • THUR (Mar. 6 - April 24) • Pay What You Can • EAST
with Dan Tate
For students that have never touched clay to those still learning the basics.
This class will cover the basic “how tos” of pottery. Students will learn the foundations of throwing, including how to confidently center, pull, and trim pots on the wheel. The class will also cover basic glazing techniques, attaching handles, and how to track your pieces through the studio.
PLEASE NOTE: This class runs for 3.5 hours, which includes 1 hour of work time at the end of each class period. You will not have access to the studio outside of the scheduled class time. You will also not have access to the Groundworks other locations.
Ages: 16 and above
Class meets weekly on THURSDAY
Does NOT include Firing Fees. For details on our Firing Fees, please click here:
This class is Pay What You Can with a suggested price of $265.
Will be available to register on Wednesday, Feb. 5 at 8:00am.
Adult Session 2A • Whimsical Mugs • THUR (Mar. 6 - Mar. 27) • $135 • MAIN
Learn how to build mugs with a twist of whimsy!
Add a twist of whimsy to each one-of-a kind mug in this class. Start by learning how to build a mug with slabs, followed by demos on how to make your mug come alive - facial features, handles, decoration, color - all in high fire clay. Create a fun companion for morning coffee or afternoon tea.
This class takes place at Groundworks MAIN at 3650 Canfield St., Boulder, CO
This class meets weekly for 4 weeks on THURSDAYS.
Class does NOT include additional open lab time or clay. All work must be completed during class time.
Ages: 16 and above
Will be available to register on Wednesday, Feb. 5 at 8:00am.
Will run
Adult Session 2 • Level I Wheel • THUR (Mar. 6 - April 24) • $285 • HILL
with Marley Carrington-Mauer
For students that have never touched clay to those still learning the basics.
This class will cover the basic “how tos” of pottery. Students will learn the foundations of throwing, including how to confidently center, pull, and trim pots on the wheel. The class will also cover basic glazing techniques, attaching handles, and how to track your pieces through the studio.
Ages: 16 and above
Class meets weekly on THURSDAYS
Note: This class will meet at the HILL location at 1010 Aurora Ave. You will only have open lab access at the same studio as your class.
Does NOT include Firing Fees. For details on our Firing Fees, please click here:
Will be available to register on Wednesday, Feb. 5 at 8:00am.
Will run
Adult Session 2 • Level II Wheel • THUR (Mar. 6 - April 24) • $295 • MAIN
with Sam Watkins
This class is great for students who already have some experience with clay and are looking to take the next step.
The demonstrations for this class go beyond the basics. Students will learn how to make more complex forms and techniques including: altered forms, lidded jars, throwing off-the-hump, sgraffito, and more.
(Please check the class prerequisites before enrolling)
Ages: 16 and above
Class meets weekly on THURSDAYS
Note: This class will meet at the MAIN location at 3750 Canfield Street. You will only have open lab access at the same studio as your class.
Does NOT include Firing Fees. For details on our Firing Fees, please click here:
Will be available to register on Wednesday, Feb. 5 at 8:00am.
Adult Session 2 • Level I Hand-Building • FRI (Mar. 7 - April 25) • Pay What You Can • MAIN
with Jinna Lincoln
Level I Hand-building for students wanting to explore the basic techniques for hand-building functional, sculptural, or decorative pieces.
Learn about the various hand-building tools, and the three basic hand-building techniques: pinching, coiling, and slab rolling through a series of self-guided projects.
Ages: 16+
Class meets weekly on FRIDAYS for 8 weeks
Note: This class will meet at the new Main location at 3750 Canfield Street in NE Boulder. You will only have open lab access at the same studio as your class.
Does NOT include Firing Fees. For details on our Firing Fees, please click here:
This class is Pay What You Can with a suggested price of $285
Will be available to register on Friday, Feb. 7 at 8:00am.
Will run
Adult Session 2 • Level I Wheel • FRI (Mar. 7 - April 25) • Pay What You Can • HILL
with Chad Corbin
For students that have never touched clay to those still learning the basics.
This class will cover the basic “how tos” of pottery. Students will learn the foundations of throwing, including how to confidently center, pull, and trim pots on the wheel. The class will also cover basic glazing techniques, attaching handles, and how to track your pieces through the studio.
Ages: 16 and above
Class meets weekly on FRIDAYS
Note: This class will meet at the Hill location at 1010 Aurora Avenue. You will only have open lab access at the same studio as your class.
Does NOT include Firing Fees. For details on our Firing Fees, please click here:
This class is PAY WHAT YOU CAN. With a suggested price of $285.
Will be available to register on Friday, Feb. 7 at 8:00am.