Adult Session 2A • Whimsical Mugs • THUR (Mar. 6 - Mar. 27) • $135 • MAIN
only 4 seats left
Learn how to build mugs with a twist of whimsy!
Add a twist of whimsy to each one-of-a kind mug in this class. Start by learning how to build a mug with slabs, followed by demos on how to make your mug come alive - facial features, handles, decoration, color - all in high fire clay. Create a fun companion for morning coffee or afternoon tea.
This class takes place at Groundworks MAIN at 3650 Canfield St., Boulder, CO
This class meets weekly for 4 weeks on THURSDAYS.
Class does NOT include additional open lab time or clay. All work must be completed during class time.
Ages: 16 and above
Will be available to register on Wednesday, Feb. 5 at 8:00am.
Mar 6 - 27th, 2025
Thu for 4 weeks from 6:00 - 8:30 pmWill run
Main - Groundworks Art Lab
3750 Canfield Street
Boulder, CO 80301
Get directions
Room: Classroom Studio