Printmaking "Office Hours"
with Melissa Pickering
only 4 seats left
You've taken a class, but now you just want to be heads down working on your block, plate, or other idea, and you want to print it! We can help. Sign up for this freeform session to get some time in the studio, with an instructor present to answer questions and operate the press. There will be a limit of 4 people, to ensure you'll have press time.
What's included: Time in the studio, with an instructor present Ability to print your block/plate Ability to use the press, with instructor operation or supervision 1 sheet of 22"x30" archival quality printmaking paper (Arches, Rives, or other) Limited amount of ink/modifiers Limited tools, such as palatte knives, basic carving tools, etc.
What's not included: Your plate/block - bring your own, whatever you worked on in class or purchase your own Extra paper - we'll get you started, but bring the specific paper you want to use for your project Screen Printing of any kind
NOTE participants MUST have printmaking experience, this is not an instruction class.
Dec 11th, 2024
Wed from 1:30 - 4:30 pm