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Youth Session 2A • Family Clay • SUN (Mar. 9 - Mar. 23) • Pay What You Can • HILL • Pro-rated 3 wk Class
with Amanda Duffy
The Family Clay Class is a great opportunity for children to work together with an adult to make hand-built pottery!
Students will learn a variety of hand-building techniques, using tools, textures, stamps, and molds. Instructor will lead students in both functional and sculptural pottery projects and students will paint each finished piece with colored slips. Emphasis is on working on a project as a family. This is a fun class, built around community and creativity!
Please note registration is for 1 child and their adult. If you have more family members that want to get involved, please send an email to!
Ages: 4+
This class is Pay What You Can with a suggest price of $90.
Will be available to register on Fri, Feb. 7 at 8:00am.
Adult Session 2 • Level I Wheel • SUN (Mar. 9 - April 27) • Pay What You Can • EAST
For students that have never touched clay to those still learning the basics.
This class will cover the basic “how tos” of pottery. Students will learn the foundations of throwing, including how to confidently center, pull, and trim pots on the wheel. The class will also cover basic glazing techniques, attaching handles, and how to track your pieces through the studio.
PLEASE NOTE: This class runs for 3.5 hours, which includes 1 hour of work time at the end of each class period. You will not have access to the studio outside of the scheduled class time. You will also not have access to the Groundworks other locations.
Ages: 16 and above
Class meets weekly on SUNDAYS
Does NOT include Firing Fees. For details on our Firing Fees, please click here:
This class is Pay What You Can with a suggested price of $265.
Will be available to register on Friday, Feb. 7 at 8:00am.
Adult Session 2 • Level II Wheel • SUN (Mar. 9 - April 27) • $295 • MAIN
with Dan Tate
This class is great for students who already have some experience with clay and are looking to take the next step.
The demonstrations for this class go beyond the basics. Students will learn how to make more complex forms and techniques including: altered forms, lidded jars, throwing off-the-hump, sgraffito, and more.
(Please check the class prerequisites before enrolling)
Ages: 16 and above
Class meets weekly on SUNDAYS
Note: This class will meet at the MAIN location at 3750 Canfield Street. You will only have open lab access at the same studio as your class.
Does NOT include Firing Fees. For details on our Firing Fees, please click here:
Will be available to register on Friday, Feb. 7 at 8:00am.
5-Week Hand-building Sampler • TUE (Mar. 18 - April 15) • $195 • MAIN
with Molly Hoverstock
Always wanted to try hand-building, but didn't know where to start? This class is a great intro to the studio in 5 short weeks!
This class is intended to get you familiar with the basics of hand-building. Students will learn techniques like pinching, coiling, and building with slabs. This class is ideal for those who have limited experience, but are looking to learn more with a short instructor demo and hands-on assistance each week.
Please note: This class does not include Open Lab hours or additional clay.
Ages 16+ to register
Class meets weekly on TUESDAYS.
Will be available to register on Mon, Feb. 3 at 8:00am.
5-Week Wheel Sampler • WED (Mar. 19. - April 16) • $195 • HILL
with Jessica Price
Always wanted to try the potter's wheel, but didn't know where to start? This class is a great intro to the wheel in 5 short weeks!
This class is intended to get you familiar with the basics of throwing on the potter's wheel. Students will have 3 weeks of throwing instruction, one week of trimming, and one week of glazing. This class is ideal for those who have limited experience and want to learn the basics of centering, trimming and glazing, with a short instructor demo and hands-on assistance each week.
Please note: This class does not include Open Lab hours or additional clay.
Ages 16+ to register
Class meets weekly on WEDNESDAYS.
Will be available to register on Wednesday, Feb. 5 at 8:00am.
5-Week Wheel Sampler • FRI (Mar. 21 - April 18) • Pay What You Can • MAIN
with Tatai Guillery
Always wanted to try the potter's wheel, but didn't know where to start? This class is a great intro to the wheel in 5 short weeks!
This class is intended to get you familiar with the basics of throwing on the potter's wheel. Students will have 3 weeks of throwing instruction, one week of trimming, and one week of glazing. This class is ideal for those who have limited experience and want to learn the basics of centering, trimming and glazing, with a short instructor demo and hands-on assistance each week.
Please note: This class does not include Open Lab hours or additional clay.
Ages 16+ to register
Class meets weekly on FRIDAYS.
This class is Pay What You Can with a suggested price of $195.
Will be available to register on Friday, Feb. 7 at 8:00am.
5-Week Wheel Sampler • SAT (Mar. 22 - April 19) • Pay What You Can • HILL
with Becky Bragg
Always wanted to try the potter's wheel, but didn't know where to start? This class is a great intro to the wheel in 5 short weeks!
This class is intended to get you familiar with the basics of throwing on the potter's wheel. Students will have 3 weeks of throwing instruction, one week of trimming, and one week of glazing. This class is ideal for those who have limited experience and want to learn the basics of centering, trimming and glazing, with a short instructor demo and hands-on assistance each week.
Please note: This class does not include Open Lab hours or additional clay.
Ages 16+ to register
Class meets weekly on SATURDAYS.
This class is Pay What You Can with a suggested price of $195.
Will be available to register on Friday, Feb. 7 at 8:00am.
5-Week Wheel Sampler • SUN (Mar. 23 - April 20) • $195 • MAIN
with Luna Reid
Always wanted to try the potter's wheel, but didn't know where to start? This class is a great intro to the wheel in 5 short weeks!
This class is intended to get you familiar with the basics of throwing on the potter's wheel. Students will have 3 weeks of throwing instruction, one week of trimming, and one week of glazing. This class is ideal for those who have limited experience and want to learn the basics of centering, trimming and glazing, with a short instructor demo and hands-on assistance each week.
Please note: This class does not include Open Lab hours or additional clay.
Ages 16+ to register
Class meets weekly on SUNDAYS.
Will be available to register on Friday, Feb. 7 at 8:00am.